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프리미어 방송 티켓

Broadway Babies

녹화의 공개는 없습니다 (시청 기한: 11/15/2021 (Mon) 23:59 JST까지)

Performers: Nishioka Mai/Yurina Kutsukake
Pianist:Minako Takeda
Producer:Mare Kasuga

Date: November 5th,2021 (FRI.)
Location:Sangenjaya Grape Fruit moon

Time: Open 7:00PM Start 7:30PM

Ticket price:
Students 3500 yen plus one drink minimum (limited to 10 tickets)
Reg Ticket:4000 yen plus one drink minimum

For reservations:

Cancelation policy:
In the event, you must cancel your reservation please email us at
wearebwaybabies@gmail.com before 11/4 (THURS) or you will be subjected a 100 %Cancellation fee

Payment is at the door!

☆ We will be live streaming and archive will also be available for 10 days!! (Expires:11/15)
*Purchase available even after streaming has ended!


We hope you can join us!

티켓 구매

Broadway Babies 2,500 엔(세금 포함)
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