INFO 【配信者の方へ】ツイキャスで収益を得るには EVENT 7/12(金) 22:30〜👻🎬REC/レック2 無料放送!



live broadcast rules
・Let's all welcome Hatsumi-san
・Don't go overboard with your relatives
・Don't call me by the name of my previous account
・One sexual harassment starts from 10,000 yen
・Stop talking about yourself (even if you do, I won't read the comments)
・ Do not reveal the name of other distributors (anywhere)
・Don't mention Iyune's name in other streams
・ Instructions and spoilers are strictly prohibited
(Aren't you going to 〇〇? ×)
・Greetings when entering the room: Good morning
・Good night when leaving the room
・I am LGBT(Q). don't force yourself to be a woman
