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365/365 Online Recital

Video will not be published (Available Period: until 8/8/2021 (Sun) 23:59 JST)

365days Practice Challenge, a project I've been working on since August 2 last year, will finally reach its 365th day on August 1.

I heard from someone that J. Markey of the Boston Symphony Orchestra was doing the "100days Practice Challenge" on Instagram, and I started it myself with the contrabass trombone in the spring of 2020.
I wanted to practice the bass trombone as well, and since it's too late to start preparing for an audition after it's posted, I decided to spend 100 days practice the orchestral excerpts that often appear. That was the reason why I started.

I will be practicing hard until the day of the recital so that I can perform while enjoying myself.
So, I look forward to seeing you on the day!

[365/365 Recital ~365days Practice Challenge~]

Date: August 1, 2021
15:00〜start (JST)

Ticket price: 2000 yen

Spain / D.Fetter
Variations on Palestrina's "Dona Nobis Pacem
/ D.Fetter
Sonata Breve / W.S.Hartley
Fantasia No.7 / G.P.Telemann
Capriccio / K.Penderecki
A Song for Japan / S.Verhelst
Cello Suite No.3 / J.S.Bach

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365/365 Online Recital 2,000 JPY(tax included) more