Theater Party

What is Theater Party?

Theater Party is a feature on TwitCasting that allows streamers and viewers to watch videos simultaneously.


  • You can choose and play videos from official contents and YouTube videos.
  • When a broadcaster plays a video, viewers can watch the same video at the same time.
  • Streamers can adjust the volume, pause, and seek the video.

■Supported Versions

●For streaming

  • iPhone: TwitCasting Live v5.010 or higher
  • Android: TwitCasting Viewer v5.035 or higher
  • Browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox

●For Viewing

  • iPhone: TwitCasting Viewer v5.080 or higher
    (Old design version is not supported.)
  • Android: TwitCasting Viewer v5.010 or higher
  • Browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari

Streaming with Theater Party

■From the App

  1. Start streaming.
  2. Open Theater Party from the Media settings (Live settings for Android).
  3. Select the media to play.
  4. The video will start playing automatically when selected.
  5. To end Theater Party, select "Reset" from the media settings.

■From PC Browser

  1. Start a live broadcast.
  2. Select the media to play from the bottom of the broadcast screen.
  3. Enter the URL of the video and click "Start Playback".
  4. To end, click "Stop Theater Party".

Viewing Theater Party

■From the App

  1. If a Theater Party starts while you are viewing a stream : Allow the dialog or tap the thumbnail of the video currently playing in Theater Party. If you want to view after Theater Party has started: Tap the Theater Party video displayed on the viewing screen and allow playback when the dialog appears.
  2. The video automatically starts from the scene the streamer is playing.
  3. To stop watching the video, tap the "×" icon in the top right corner.

●(Theater Party) Data Saving Mode

When this mode is enabled, the streamer's video in Theater Party changes to a still image (radio), saving data.
You can set it from "Settings" > "Others" in the Viewer app.

●If the video cannot be played

Depending on the network conditions, the video in Theater Party may not play properly. In that case, you can stop Theater Party with "×" and listen to the broadcaster's video and audio only.

■From PC Browser

  1. When the streamer starts playing Theater Party, the video will automatically start playing on the viewer's side.

Important Notes

  • For the videos (official content and YouTube videos) played in Theater Party, it will be replayed only if you are viewing the archive from a PC. However, if the target video is deleted or expired, it will not play, and only the streamer's video will be visible.
  • When playing YouTube Live, seeking may not be work on the viewer's side. Please do not use the DVR in that case.
  • To stream copyrighted clip videos and other content, you may need permission from the rights holder. We cannot check if the content can be streamed, so please comply with copyright laws and related regulations and stream at your own responsibility.
  • When playing YouTube videos, please be careful not to stream unauthorized content (so-called "illegal videos" or "unofficial videos") without the permission of the rights holder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unable to play Theater Party